NON GMO Soya Lecithin (Feed Grade) is clear amber colored, viscous fluid obtained from hydrated gums of Soya crude oil (produced from soybeans) by the process of drying and filtration. It consists all natural phosphotides in their original relative proportions and soybean oil
NON GMO Soya Lecithin (Feed Grade) is a combination of naturally-occurring phospholipids, which are extracted during the processing of soybean oil. Soybean oil is extracted from the flakes through a distillation process and lecithin is separated from the oil by the addition of water and centrifugation or steam precipitation.
- Lecithin being a natural emulsifier ensures excellent digestibility of fat and energy.
- Of great value in energy-rich feed mixtures for poultry.
- Helps in fat & protein enrichment and supplying energy to chickens.
- Increases the egg mass & production.
- Helps in efficient metabolism and provide Support for the immune system.
- High purity improves quality of aqua feeds.
- Due to low acidity value it increases life of aqua feed.
- It acts as protein & fat enriched in shrimps.
- It works as an emulsifier and shining agent for aqua feeds.
- Helps as binding agent & helps in palletizing.